Providing Resources

Prevention & Education

Signs of HOPE seeks to empower and educate the community to be proactive in protecting themselves and one another against sexual assault. We also aim to be an agent of social change in the fight to end sexual violence. SOHLV has a number of training and education programs available for community organizations, schools, parents, youth, and the hospitality industry.

Prevention & Education
Prevention & Education

Providing Resources

Prevention & Education

Signs of HOPE seeks to empower and educate the community to be proactive in protecting themselves and one another against sexual assault. We also aim to be an agent of social change in the fight to end sexual violence. SOHLV has a number of training and education programs available for community organizations, schools, parents, youth, and the hospitality industry.

Signs of HOPE seeks to empower the community to end sexual violence by offering training and educational programs for all individuals, youth, and adults. All programs are age-appropriate and use best practices and trauma-informed care.

Youth Programs

This program includes teaching children 1st – 3rd grade their rights to be safe from all harm. Children learn skills to protect themselves from bullies, strangers, and even from people they know. We also discuss the topics of safe touch vs. unsafe touch as well as safe secrets vs. unsafe secrets.

This program focuses on building children’s healthy relationship skills. We Care Elementary focuses on different topics at each grade level: 

3rd grade: Communicating and Understanding Feelings 

6th grade: Understanding Sexual Harassment 

This program focuses on the hallmarks of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Each day covers a different module: 

Day 1: Social Norms and Objectification 

Day 2: Unhealthy Relationships 

Day 3: Emotional Intelligence 

Day 4: Sexual Harassment and Intervention 

Day 5: Technology and Human Trafficking

This program focuses on the hallmarks of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Each day covers a different module: 

Day 1: Equality = Nonviolence 

Day 2: Coercion is NOT Consent 

Day 3: Dating and Sexual Violence 

Day 4: Active Bystander Intervention 

Day 5: Technology and Human Trafficking 

Adult Programs

This program centers around creating a widespread change to prevent child sexual abuse through the engagement of parents, caregivers, schools, organizations, and other concerned individuals. The goal of this campaign is to educate and engage adults so that together we can end child sexual abuse. Each presentation is tailored to a specific audience.

This introductory presentation helps attendees understand the nature and scope of sexual violence in our communities. Attendees will have a better understanding of what sexual violence is, who the perpetrators are, the difference between consent and coercion, and resources for people who may have experienced sexual violence. 

This introductory presentation helps attendees understand the dynamics of human trafficking and exploitation.

This presentation, partnered with LVMPD Crime Prevention Specialist, helps attendees recognize predatory behavior and vulnerable individuals in clubs, hotel and casino environments, and prevent sexual violence before it happens. 

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Prevention Staff

Jackie Gaetos, Prevention, Education, and Outreach Director

Jackie Gaetos

Position: Interim Prevention, Education, and Outreach Director
Categories: Prevention

Jackie Gaetos joined Signs of HOPE in 2019 as a Prevention and Education Youth Facilitator, where her passion for helping others grew. In this role, she taught elementary, middle, and high school students how to be safe from harm, how to be an active bystander, and the dynamics of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Although in 2020 Jackie’s role dissolved due to the Covid-19 pandemic, she returned in 2022 as the Curriculum Specialist, continuing her work as a facilitator and updating curriculum. In 2023, Jackie became the Director of Prevention, Education, and Outreach where she leads her amazing team with the goal of educating the community, especially those who are most vulnerable, and preventing all forms of sexual violence. Jackie has her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of California Los Angeles. In her free time, she likes to read, cook, workout, and spend time with family and friends.

Interim Prevention, Education, and Outreach Director

Jackie Gaetos joined Signs of HOPE in 2019 as a...